Empowering Youth,
Together 4 Youth is your collaborative network improving the resilience, health, and life skills of Australian students.

3,046 Students Reached
Why Choose
Together 4 Youth?
Together 4 Youth is a network of experienced organisations providing tailor-made social, educational and transition programs, aimed at enhancing student wellbeing and preparing them for life beyond school.
Customised School Programs:
We excel in closely collaborating with schools to tailor unique programs to their specific needs, ensuring maximum relevance and impact.
Holistic Approach:
We offer comprehensive support covering social, emotional, and vocational development, ensuring well-rounded growth for students.
Evidence-Based Strategies:
Our programs are developed in collaboration with reputable institutions, ensuring they are grounded in research and proven to be effective.
Why trust
our network?
Our partners have decades of experience, and their programs undergo rigorous external evaluation to ensure they meet the needs of students and schools. Our partners work in collaboration with each other so that you know your programs are coordinated and sequenced throughout the student journey and are not ad-hoc and independent programs.
Why use
our network?
Our unique delivery method ensures consistency of messaging without the need to spend hours on administrative tasks. Together4Youth’s approach allows you to focus on your core role of ‘teaching and learning’ whilst still being able to access leading programs to cater for the non-academic development of your student cohorts.
"I thought today would be like all the other workshops we have done over the years… but this was so much better! I enjoyed every part today –but I really loved when we were able to write about our friends and the people we are grateful for. Today was so good and showed me that I am perfect the way I am."
Abbey Student

“Today I learnt more about consent, more about relationships, and the different myths about being a teenage boy. I really enjoyed learning lots of new things today because it wasn't boring like the other programs.”
Sam ~ Student

"I thought today would be like all the other workshops we have done over the years… but this was so much better! I enjoyed every part today –but I really loved when we were able to write about our friends and the people we are grateful for. Today was so good and showed me that I am perfect the way I am."
Abbey ~ Student

“I thought the workshop was excellent. I did not know what to expect going in but there were a lot of things that I found interesting.”
Ben ~ Student
Get in touch
Discover how we can empower youth together.